
How to Play Banker

Banker is a golf betting game that rotates the role of the “Banker”, who is essentially the “house” and plays against the rest of the group. The Banker sets the stakes for each hole, and winnings/losses are determined based on individual hole results.

Basic Rules

  • Played with 3 or 4 players.
  • One player is designated as the Banker for each hole.
  • The Banker competes against all other players individually.
  • Wagers (set by the Banker) are won or lost based on who beats whom on the hole.
  • The role of Banker rotates each hole (or stays the same if the Banker wins).

How to Play

1.Choose the First Banker

The order can be determined randomly or by a pre-round rule (e.g., lowest handicap starts).

2.Set the Bet for the Hole

The Banker announces how much each bet is worth (e.g., $5 per hole).

3.Play the Hole

The Banker is competing against each player individually.

4.Determine Winners & Payouts

  • If the Banker wins the hole outright, they collect the bet from each player.
  • If a player beats the Banker, the Banker pays them the bet amount.
  • If the hole is tied, no money exchanges hands.

5.Rotating the Banker Role

  • If the Banker wins the hole, they can choose to stay as Banker or let the next player take over.
  • If the Banker loses, the next player in the rotation becomes the Banker for the next hole.

Variations of Banker

  • Banker’s Choice: The Banker can set different wager amounts on different holes.
  • Doubled Bets: If a hole carries over (everyone ties the Banker), the next hole’s bet amount doubles.
  • Blind Banker: Players don’t know who the next Banker will be until after tee shots.
  • Pressing the Banker: A player who is losing can press (double the bet).
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