
How to play Vegas

Vegas is a golf betting game played in teams of two where partners combine their scores in a unique way. Instead of adding them together, the scores are paired numerically to create a two-digit number. The goal is to have the lowest combined score, as lower numbers win money from the opposing team.

Basic Rules

  • Played in two teams of two.
  • Each player’s score on a hole is paired to form a two-digit number instead of being added.
  • The lower team score wins the difference in points (or dollars).
  • The betting stakes are agreed upon before the round.

How to Pair Scores in Vegas

  • The lower score always goes first when forming the two-digit number.
  • Example:
    • Team A: Player 1 scores 4, Player 2 scores 5 → Team score: 45
    • Team B: Player 3 scores 5, Player 4 scores 6 → Team score: 56
    • Team A wins the hole by 11 points (56 – 45 = 11).

Scoring & Payouts

  • The winning team earns the difference between the two scores in points or money.
  • Example with a $1 per point bet:
    • Team A scores 34
    • Team B scores 45
    • Team A wins 11 points (45 – 34), meaning they win $11 if the bet is $1 per point.
  • Bonus Rule – Birdies & Eagles Make It Hurt More!
    • If a player makes a birdie, the opposing team switches their numbers (flipping the two-digit number to a worse score).
    • Example: If Team B originally had 45, it becomes 54, increasing the payout for Team A.
    • If a player makes an eagle, their opponents’ score flips AND doubles!
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